Company calendar

Fully interactive by both you and your employees, our calendar functionality allows requesting, approving and logging of annual leave, as well as your own categories such as training days, compassionate leave, etc. Companywide events can also be added.

Feb 06

  • Holiday booking system

    Staff can request time off and keep track of how much annual leave they have remaining. Approved time off is then visible to all their colleagues.

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  • Company events

    With our newsfeed, you and your employees can inform the entire company of any up-coming dates for the diary, such as conferences, parties or new starters.

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  • Sickness logging & monitoring

    Track and be alerted to your staff sick days and monitor the resulting cost to the company through trends, heatmaps or using the Bradford Factor.

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Holiday booking system

Our intuitive system takes the hassle out of booking annual leave for both you and your staff. It can also be used to log training days and compassionate leave and is fully customisable.

Using the interactive calendar, employees can request leave - then it's simply up to you to approve or reject it. You'll be able to easily keep track of how many days have been taken and any potential clashes so you won't be left high and dry in a particular department. And with real-time stats, you can constantly track your position at any point throughout the year and give gentle reminders to employees to use up their remaining holiday in time.

Plus, with automatic updates, colleagues can see who is off on any particular day and the first aiders and fire marshals are altered accordingly.

Company events

Using the same calendar, you can post company events to keep your staff informed. You can highlight new staff arrivals and tag particular employees in the newsfeed - perhaps if they're leaving or have some exciting news.

You can also post celebrations like employee birthdays (without showing their age of course!). It's a great way to make sure everyone is included, considering the amount of people who now work remotely.

Events and news items support #hashtags and @mentions of employees, departments and projects.

Sickness logging & monitoring

Keep up to date with real time reporting of who is away each day. You'll be able to identify any worrying trends that may transpire and pinpoint any potential issues that arise with regard to problem staff.

View sickness stats by calendar year or rolling 12 months, by department or as a company as a whole. Data is available to browse in graphical or tabular format as well as downloadable into a spreadsheet.

Employee database

Our employee database allows you to tailor the different fields to your needs. Each staff member will have their own social media style profile which can be linked to individual projects and clients. That way, it's easy to find out who's who and who's working on what - particularly for new starters. Employees can post status updates and queries so that they can capitalise on the knowledge of their colleagues.

  • Onboarding new staff

    A great way to announce a new member to the team. Current employees will know exactly who they are, what they're working on, what they look like and where they are sitting. New starters gain a quicker understanding of the company.

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  • Social media style profiles

    Manta lets users upload their own fun photo as well as a short status. And with different levels of access you can see different information, depending on your role. All the benefits of a social network but built for business.

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  • Self-service portal

    Your staff can update their personal details in real-time and access their contracts, employee handbook and appraisal repository. And you'll both be able to keep track of any equipment which may have been loaned.

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Onboarding new staff

Remembering who's who and what's what when you start a new job is always tricky. Well with our new platform, we take the stress out of joining a new company for everyone involved.

All new starters will automatically be given their very own profile page. This will give them access to everyone else's profiles so that they can explore the office with ease. They'll be able to work out how the roles are structured and who's working on what projects.

The system is completely secure and will delete the employee profile according to the data protection act when a staff member leaves.

Social media style profiles

By taking inspiration for various social networking sites we wanted to create something that both you and your employees would instantly feel familiar with. The design is clean and intuitive with all the different features positioned where you'd expect.

The social media style photos mean your employees can have some fun and express their personalities when choosing a photo - not look like they're in a line-up! Status updates and #hashtags of skills and interests that they can include add to this personalised idea.

Plus, with the regularly updated newsfeed, your employees can constantly pool their knowledge and expertise further ensuring the smooth running of your company.

Self-service portal

The self-service portal is a great feature for both you and your employees. It completely removes the hassle of having to manually update individual employee's information and places the control firmly in their hands so that they can ammend their details in real-time.

They can also include any medical/allergy notes along with their I.C.E contacts.

The employee handbook and related policies are all easy to access and will even notify the user if they have been updated. We can help you write and develop your own policies and build an employee handbook ensuring that you meet all relevant regulations.

Customised for your company

Create your very own company URL, e.g. You can change the logos and colours to make MANTA fit effortlessly with your branding. You can also customise the labels of items to match the terminology you use internally.

Manta HR Company News Portal

  • Colours and logo

    Full integration into your company's corporate branding and culture makes Manta a natural fit as well as maintaining the professional image of your business.

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  • Company news

    Post your own news stories with @mentions and #hashtags as well as integrate your company's Twitter and RSS feeds for a truly integrated experience.

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  • Custom Fields

    Manta allows you to create bespoke data fields to store additional information on staff members' profiles that we might not have thought of. Two sugars or one?

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Colours and logo

We're proud of our product but we've designed it to fit seamlessly into your branding so our own branding is minimal.

You can choose individual project styles and incorporate your own team names into the design - perhaps you call them crews, groups, gangs, posses or some other wacky name. And of course you can include your logo and any further elements that reflect your company ethos.

Plus, with personalised downloadable posters featuring your company's URL, you can make sure everyone knows about Manta.

Company news

You can post any information relevant to your company. Things like exciting new client wins, internal promotions and new hirings. Not to mention more fun things like trips to the pub and special occasions. It automatically posts employee birthdays and anyone who is off on that particular day.

Furthermore you can embed your Twitter and RSS feeds and tag particular employees or projects so that the right people see the information they need to know.

It's a fantastic feature for ensuring all of your employees feel like part of team. This is especially important considering how many people work from home these days.

Custom Data Fields

Manta has been designed to work out-of-the-box, but it also has the functionality to add your own customised data fields attached to a user's profile. The data fields can be set to different data types, such as dates, numbers, text or drop-down menus. You can also control where they appear as well as who can see or edit them.

You can bulk import data into the custom fields when you import users from a CSV file.

Desktop, mobile, tablet

Built from the ground up to be useable on all sorts of devices, Manta's flexibility is unrivalled. Our interface is built around a responsive HTML5 framework that means it will resize based on the screen size and orientation of the device, be it an Apple iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy powered by Android. So whether you're accessing it on your mobile, a tablet, laptop or a desktop, Manta adapts effortlessly.

  • Manta HR - works on mobile devices
  • Manta HR - works on tablet devices

Expert HR Consultancy

Employment law can be intimidating and time consuming, especially for those busy with their day job. Our qualified HR practitioners are on-hand to help document your HR policies, processes and contracts - keeping you and your staff compliant with regulation in a clear and accessible format.

Manta HR - professional HR advisors

  • Employee Handbook

    With our help, there'll be no excuses as staff will freely and easily be able to download the latest policy documents and resources from your self-service employee handbook.

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  • Share Schemes

    Options can be highly effective - often mandated by investors or requested by employees, but if not setup correctly, can cause future pain and expense. Vesting, cliffs, acceleration, and exits!

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  • If things go wrong

    Disciplining staff can be unpleasant for all involved, but when needed it must be done within a legal, professional and damage limiting framework.

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Employee Handbook Writing

Whether you need your old employment policies reviewing and bringing up to date or starting from scratch, our qualified experts can help you get everything in order.

SMEs do not always need/have the large human resources departments that bigger companies do, but they still need to be compliant with local HR legislation. An up to date and comprehensive set of policies in the form of a employee handbook not only ensures this, but also makes it easier to manage staff when all the "rules" are clearly defined.

Employee Share Schemes

Badly drawn up employee share schemes can turn out to be a very costly issue, both in terms of monetary costs (tax and management) as well as not having the original desired effect if circumstances change.

Our legal experts can talk you through different ways of setting up such a scheme and how it would work in a number of scenarios. If you want to go ahead, we can administer all the necessary paperwork and present the scheme to the board and individual employees.

Disciplining Staff

Luckily, or maybe as a result of, companies with high staff engagement have few issues with staff. However, when a situation does arise, it needs to be resolved swiftly even if it is just a misunderstanding by one side or the other. Not having a dedicated HR trained professional in-house, might mean that a more complex or serious situation can be wrongly handled and could result in a legal case, or reputation damage, to name but a few. Our experts are available to help...

  • Practicing using role play scenarios
  • Talking through a situation with a legal professional
  • Compromise agreement drafting

3rd Party Integtrations / API

Don't you just love it when web apps play nicely with each other? MANTA is built on an API architecture and our philosophy is to build the best core HR database system and then integrate with all the fanstastic 3rd party or in-house services that our clients use. We have already integrated a few services, but are eager to build more as clients request.

Manta HR - 3rd party integrations and API

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Manta is completely free for the first 50 employees. View our pricing page for more details.